The Balkenkreuz (Bar Cross) was used to ID German armored vehicles for planes to stop possible friendly fire on the…
The Deutsches Jungvolk formed in 1928, registration was required beginning in 1936 and joining became compulsory for German boys in…
The Constitutional Monarchy of Italy had been under control of the Italian Fascist Party beginning in 1922 with Mussolini as…
This 3x5 flag shows 39 different Waffen SS division badges from the 1st Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler which formed…
While the wolfsangel symbol had been used previously in Germany before and during the war near the end and after…
The Schutzstaffel's Hausfahne (House Flag). The SS was made up of the Allgemeine-SS (General SS), the Waffen-SS (Armed SS).
The Sturmabteilung, or SA, were known as the Brownshirts and Stormtroopers. The group predates the WWII period, as the first…