KNOW NOTHING flag. Also known as the American Party, the group got its nickname because when questioned about it's activities members always responded that they knew nothing. The patriotic group was active in the mid-1800's and pushed for strict rules in regards to citizenship and voting. The flag contains the warning to "Native Americans", those born here, to beware foreign influence due to the influx of immigrants. The canton shows and eagle above a voting box with 21 years written on it. The American Party tried, and failed, to increase the number of years an immigrant had to reside in America before they could vote from 5 to 21 to ensure their loyalty to the United States. The group disbanded around the outbreak of the Civil War, partly due to membership being split between pro and anti-slavery factions while the group remained officially neutral on the issue.
William "The Butcher" Poole, was a leading Know Nothing member in New York City. His dying words are said to have been, I die a true American. The movie Gangs of New York is very loosely based on his life.
This flag is 3' X 5' with grommets and ties for hanging.